Welcome to Salmon Milk, a collection of my work as an absolute failure aspiring game developer.
I got into game development in April 2020, right around when the COVID-19 pandemic. I started learning Unity and C# as a way to pass the time. Since then, I've created a couple of small (some also being unfinished) games. A few of them are listed here for you to play.
Later, in June, I created a YouTube channel to showcase to my friends what exactly game development is. Just saying, you should totally go over there and subscribe, and then like every video on the channel.
If you got here, please do me a favor: try the games out, and share them with your peers. Not because I want to be famous, but I totally want to be famous (just kidding).
If you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments of the appropriate game.
Salmon Milk